

Discover SureSlim Wellness Clinic!

Many people know, deep down, that healthy eating and exercise is the only way to safely lose and maintain weight loss, but whilst most want a quick fix, others simply don’t have the knowledge to do it.

SureSlim guarantee a loss of 10lb a month if clients stick to the plan, which is impressive, but how does it work?

Aylesbury’s branch of SureSlim is run by mum-of-one Debbie Field, who has herself been in the despairing situation of wanting to lose weight but not knowing how. After 5 months and losing 4 stone ( and 22 inches! )

Debbie has so much faith in SureSlim that she now wants to help others achieve their dream.

Those taking part in SureSlim do not starve themselves, exist on shakes or pre-packed meals or spend all day, everyday pounding the treadmill. It is down to eating three, healthy nutritious meals a day, enjoying everything in moderation and knowing your portion sizes.

SureSlim specialises in weight and wellness. Our approach guarantees both weight and inch loss by correcting your glucose metabolism. By balancing metabolism you lose weight fast - and for life!

• Comprehensive blood tests

• Doctor's analysis & nutritional advice

• Personalised programs for

SureSlim, It really works!


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